14 October 2008

Alright already...

Katherine and Lillian Prepare for their first day of school.

My trip to Roscommon - and North Riggins Lake Park.  The photo on the right you can see the bald eagle about half way up in the branches - sorry, it was clearer and closer in person, I can only zoom so much in a photo.

We went to a beautiful park that has most incredible trees that are so tall that they seem to reach the sky.  It has a section that has been preserved and the trees have never been cut and some are nearly as old as the Redwoods in California as a reference.  It was truly an incredible sight.  This church was in it.  Their is an actual logging mill and everything that they still start up twice a year and run so that you can see how it works.  We plan on trying to make it back next year to see that event.

I admit I am extremely negligent with my duties but I definitely rank right up there in the list of people with a pretty good list of excuses.  Perhaps that should be my list of top ten this week, oh wait, I think I would easily make that 20...

One thing that has kept me right busy is back to school time for the girls - as you know that was of course just after labor day, I have included those photos as well as many others for your enjoyment below.

Besides that I have also been fortunate enough to do lots of camping and I mean LOTS!  I camped for four weekends in a row all  for Girl Scouts.  Two of the weekends were magnificent the other two - well could have been better.  The first was the weekend the hurricane (Ivan) was hitting and it rained, and rained, and rained and we got soaked.  After all we were camping in little two person tents not made for anything more than fair weather.  We had 23 inexperienced tweens 7th-12th grades and they were all troopers.  All in all we managed.  The following two weekends were perfect, one was my weekend of all adult scouts followed by a weekend up north in Roscommon (technically this one wasn't scouts I guess).  I went there with 3 girlfriends and we canoed and kayaked.  The weather was glorious for being early Oct. and I even spotted a bald eagle.  What a taste of heaven.

Finally, it was my chance to take my scouts camping, been waiting for years for this chance...come Friday night around the fire my throat gets scratchy and I am sure it is the fire...Saturday nose running - sure it is the weather, allergies.  As the day progresses I feel worse and worse by evening like death is warning over.  By Sunday I felt DEAD!  I missed all but one day of work that week and even that day I should have missed in retrospect and it was a long hard week, all I did was sleep and still find myself tired playing catch up.  Dr. said - just a bad virus, had a fever and all.  Guess that happens.

Besides all that yuck, Mark and the girls have stayed healthy.  Mark and I are going to Italy in a few weeks.  Well, he is going to a conference and I am touring all the fun stuff - so send money my way :) -jk  (I hear gucci calling)


Anonymous said...

Finally, an update from you guys! Thanks!

Have a great time in Italy. I'm dreaming of the food you'll enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand... I can double-click on Katherine, the colored tree, the chapel and on Jessica, but not the others. Why???? And is the fact that it is every other picture significant?