16 June 2007

Lilly & Nathan

It has been much too long since we last saw the Tinkhams... Jenny, Katie, and Nathan made the trek up from Indiana to visit and the kids got to play together. Katie is so grown up in her demeanor it will surprise you. Nathan seems to have matured quite a bit over the last several months.

The kids played at the local splash park and in the yard at Grandma and Pinka Trimmer's. After a pizza dinner from Mother's the kids and mothers went to the local township fair for an animal show, to ride rides and watch an outdoor movie.

What a day!

05 June 2007

Katherine in the News

Last week Katherine's class had their first grade plant show. She and Jessica have been showing their green thumbs for the last several weeks trying to grow some small seedlings.
Katherine was pretty sad when she realized all she had were sprouts but it couldn't have been too bad since she made the school's web page!